Winners for Guess the Guardian and Cream Silk

For those who didn’t notice, I actually ran a mini-contest a couple of weeks back. Hehe, it was on a whim and it was on a first-correct-answer basis. I asked my readers to guess who my office desk guardian is. And I have a winner:

Keane Rush was the first commenter and he nailed it!

My guardian is Illidan Stormrage from Warcraft. Keane gets a couple of Starbucks gift certificates.

And now for the Cream Silk Winners:

Hazel Dela Victoria, who was born with naturally beautiful hair. Ooh, I’m envious. I’d normally pick the ones that need conditioner the most but I like what she said about being confident. Plus, she urges everyone to feel good about themselves, regardless of their hair condition. Aaaaand of course, to stay away from too many chemical combinations.

Our next winner is:

MJ Meting. She’s the only curly-haired person who submitted an entry. Come to think of it, her hair is a lot similar to mine, although hers look so much more manageable. Haha!

Both girls win 5 bottles of Cream Silk each, plus PhP500 gift certificates.

To all winners, please email me via this form with your name, contact number and mailing address. (You can also PM me via FB.)

To those that didn’t win, don’t worry. I still have more contests coming up. I might also actually do random raffle draws for all members of Skysenshi’s Hermitage or for those who have participated in the past but haven’t won yet. Soon. (Still not running out of giveaways.)



  1. Issa

    June 13, 2011 at 12:14 pm

    congratulations to the winners!

  2. John Ray Cabrera

    June 13, 2011 at 8:36 pm

    any hair is good, for as long as it isn't like the new hairstyle of Gloria Arroyo. 🙂

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