To all my COMMRES201 Classmates

Dr. Portus just called me up to say that we won’t have classes on Wednesday, but she will require us to attend the UP Centennial Celebration at CCP. Here are her instructions (sent via email…*nosebleed*):

COMM RES 201 STUDENTS (under Dr. Portus)

Our class on Wednesday, June 18, 2008 will be held at the Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP), 6pm. You will be required to attend the Centennial Celebration, a grand opening concert. Attire is formal – ala Filipiniana.

Your attendance will be a class diagnostic and baseline activity and you will be expected to observe the program and submit a think paper focusing on the ff:

1. Attendance – quantity and quality
2. Activities in the Program
3. Content
4. Form
5. Relations to Communication Research

Also, include in your Think Paper, answer to the following question: If you were to do a research study on this activity, what would be a possible topic problem, objective methods? Explain why?

The think paper is due on Monday June 30, 2008, 5pm.

Thank you,

Dr. Lourdes M. Portus

Professor, CR 201

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