To all my COMMRES201 Classmates

Dr. Portus just called me up to say that we won’t have classes on Wednesday, but she will require us to attend the UP Centennial Celebration at CCP. Here are her instructions (sent via email…*nosebleed*): COMM RES 201 STUDENTS (under Dr. Portus) Our class on […]

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Iron Man

“Tony Stark makes me feel he’s a cool exec with a heart of steel…” Boy, that song brings back a sea of nostalgia. No, I was not born in the 1960s, but I did enjoy reruns of the Iron Man cartoon in the 90s. You […]

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Moving. That’s how I would summarize the entire film in one word. I was already curious about Ploning when I heard that Judy Ann Santos was coming up with an indie. The curiosity was fueled even more by the fuss that went over how it […]

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